- Meditation. An Introduction. UMA Press, 2021.
- Hegel’s Conception of the Determinate Negation. Brill, 2015.
- Ånd og vitenskap. En kritikk av Rudolf Steiners antroposofi. Kolofon Forlag, 2008.
- Rudolf Steiner som filosof. Pax, Forlag 2013.
- Journal of Consciousness Studies: Phenomenological, Philosophical, and Scientific Perspectives on Meditation
- Religions: Meditation and Spiritual Practice
- Vorden (2004–2008)
- Libra (2022–2025)
- Yang, W. F. Z, Chowdhury, A., Sparby, T., Sacchet, M. D. (2024) Deconstructing the self and reshaping perceptions: An intensive whole-brain 7T MRI case study of the stages of insight during advanced investigative insight meditation. NeuroImage.
- Treves, I. N. ,Yang, W. F. Z., Sparby, T., Sacchet, M. D. (2024): Dynamic brain states underlying advanced concentrative absorption meditation: A 7T fMRI intensive case study. Network Neuroscience.
- Sparby, T. (2024): Researching causal relationships from the first-person perspective. An Expansion of the micro-phenomenological method. New Ideas in Psychology, 75.
- Sparby, T., Eilinghoff-Ehlers, P., Lewandovski, N., Pachernegg, Y., Schnitzler, L., Edelhäuser, F. (2024): Meditation Hindrances and Breakthroughs: A Multilevel First-Person Phenomenological Analysis. Religions, 15(7).
- Sparby,. T., Sacchet. M. D. (2024): Toward a Unified Account of Advanced Concentrative Absorption Meditation: A Systematic Definition and Classification of Jhāna. Mindfulness, 15.
- Yang, W. F. Z., Sparby, T., Wright, M., Kim, E., Sacchet., M. D. (2024) Volitional mental absorption in meditation: Toward a scientific understanding of advanced concentrative absorption meditation and the case of jhana. Heliyon, 10(10).
- Ramm, B. J., Lumma, A. L., Sparby, T. Weger, U. W. (2024): Seeing the Void: Experiencing Emptiness and Awareness with the Headless Way Technique. Mindfulness 15 (4).
- Sparby, T., Cysarz, D., Hornemann v. Laer, D., Edelhäuser, F., Tauschel, D., Weger, U.W. (2024): The Phenomenology of Attentional Control: A First-Person Approach to Contemplative Science and the Issue of Free Will. Frontiers in Psychology, 15.
- Yang, W.F.Z, Chowdhury, A., Bianciardi, M., van Lutterveld, R., Sparby, T., Sacchet, M.D. (2024): Intensive Whole-brain 7T MRI Case Study of Volitional Control of Brain Activity in Deep Absorptive Meditation States. Cerebral Cortex, 34(1).
- Sparby, T., Leass, M., Weger, U.W., Edelhäuser, F. (2023): Training Naive Subjects in Using Micro‐Phenomenological Self‐Inquiry to Investigate Pain and Suffering During Headaches. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 64(1).
- Galante, J., Grabovac, A., Wright, M., Ingram, D.M., Van Dam, N.T., Sanguinetti, J.L, Sparby, T., van Lutterveld, R., Sacchet, M.D. (2023): A framework for the empirical investigation of mindfulness meditative development. Mindfulness, 14.
- Sparby, T. (2023): Micro-Phenomenological Self-Inquiry. In: Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 22(1).
- Sparby. T. (2023): The Guardian of the Threshold. Part I: Conceptual Overview and Complexities.
Conceptual Overview and Complexities. Steiner Studies, 3(1). - Sparby. T. (2023): Rudolf Steiner and The Guardian of the Threshold. Part II: Experiential Perspectives. Steiner Studies. Internationale Zeitschrift für kritische Steiner-Forschung, 3(1).
- Sparby, T., Lumma, A.-L. (2022): Investigating Meditative Visions and Experiences—A First-Person Phenomenological Framework. In Image and Imagination in the Phenomenology of Religious Experience. Edited by Martin Nitsche and Olga Louchakova- Schwartz. Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz, pp. 151–65.
- Sparby, T. (2022): The I in German Idealism. A Goethean Approach. Journal of Holistic Science, 2.
- Sparby, T. (2022): What Stands in the Way Becomes the Way: Dual and Non-Dual Approaches to Meditation Hindrances in Buddhist Traditions and Contemplative Science. In: Religions. 13(9).
- Sparby, T., Sacchet, M. (2022): Defining Meditation: Foundations for an Activity-Based Phenomenological Classification System. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Sparby, T. (2022): Einleitung. In: Schriften zur meditativen Erarbeitung der Anthroposophie I (1912‒1913). Steiner – Kritische Ausgabe. Edited by Christian Clement. Frommann-holzboog.
- Sparby, T., Lumma, A-L., Edelhäuser, F., Glaser, R., Schnitzler, L., Weger, U. W. (2021): First-Person Access to Decision-Making Using Micro-Phenomenological Self-Inquiry. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 62(6).
- Sparby, T. (2021): Om Hegels religionsfilosofi. Luther, mystikk og spekulasjon. Filosofisk supplement, 1-2.
- Sparby, T. (2021): Om Hegels religionsfilosofi. Luther, mystikk og spekulasjon. Salongen, 15.06.2021.
- Weger, U.W., Edelhäuser, F., Sparby, T. (2021): Dualistic and Trichotomic Approaches in Psychological Enquiry: The Question about Body, Soul and Spirit. European Psychologist, 26(2).
- Sparby, T. (2020): The Phenomenology of the Imaginative Consciousness in Steiner. Steiner Studies, 1.
- Sparby, T., Edelhäuser, F., Weger, U.W. (2020): The Sense of Certainty and the Reliability of First Person Reports:A Micro-Phenomenological Investigation. The Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. In press.
- Sparby, T. (2020): Body, Soul, and Spirit: An Explorative Qualitative Study of Anthroposophic Meditation and Spiritual Practice. Religions, 11 (6), 314.
- Sparby, T. (2020): A Proposal for a System of Classification for Anthroposophic Meditation. Complementary Medicine Research, 27 (2), 77-88.
- Sparby, T. (2020): The Domains and Stages of Higher Knowledge. The Field Centre Journal of Research and Practice, 3, 60–69.
- Sparby, T., Edelhäuser, F., Weger, U.W. (2019): The True Self. Critique, Nature, and Method. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2250.
- Sparby, T. (2019): Fear, Bliss, and Breathing Changes during Meditation: A Case Study of a Transformative Experience. Mind and Matter, 17(1):7-35.
- Sparby, T. (2019): Phenomenology and Contemplative Universals: The Meditative Experience of Dhyāna, Coalescence, or Access Concentration. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 26(7-8):130-56.
- Sparby T. (2019) On the linearity and non-linearity of analysis. Constructivist Foundations, 14(2): 152–153.
- Hackert, B., Lumma, A.-L., Mensel, P. Sparby, T., Weger, U. (2019): Enquiring into the qualitative nature of anger: Challenges and strengths of the introspective method. Current Psychology.
- Schlösser, M., Sparby. T, Vörös, S. Jones, R., Marchant, N. (2019): Unpleasant meditation-related experiences in regular meditators: Prevalence, predictors, and conceptual considerations. PLOS ONE.
- Sparby, T. (2019): Hvordan fortolke Steiner. In: Et Springende Punkt. Essays om Antroposofi og Erkjennelse. Haakstad, Harald, Antropos.
- Sparby, T. (2018): It’s Like Growing Roots inside Something Deeply Familiar: An Explorative Qualitative Study of Anthroposophic Mantra Practice and the Subsidiary Exercises. Religions, 9(8), 245.
- Sparby, T., Ott, U (2018): A qualitative study of motivations for meditation in anthroposophic practitioners. PLOS ONE.
- Sparby, T (2017): Anthroposophical Meditation and Spirituality. Connecting Divinity and Nature through the Human Being. Studies in Spirituality, 27, 195-218. Final Draft.
- Sparby, T. (2017): “On the Nature of Contemplative Science and Some Prospects for its Future Development.” Journal of Consciousness Studies, 24(5-6). Final draft.
- Sparby, T. (2017): Spiritualität und Meditationsforschung. In: Psychologie, Bewusstseinsforschung und Heilung im Kontext westlicher Spiritualität. Meyer, Andreas, Wagemann, Johannes, Weger, Ulrich (eds.), Königshausen & Neumann.
- Sparby, T. (2016): Rudolf Steiner’s Idea of Freedom. As Seen in the Panorama of Hegel’s Dialectic. Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy, 21(1), 2016. PDF.
- Sparby, T. (2015):Investigating the Depths of Consciousness Through Meditation. Mind and Matter, 13(2),. PDF.
- Sparby, T. (2014): The Open Closure of Hegel’s Method and System.” Clio 44:1, Hegel Series. PDF.
- Sparby, T. (2014): The Problem of Higher Knowledge in Hegel’s Philosophy. Hegel Bulletin, 35(1). PDF (final proofs).
- Sparby, T. (2014): Hegel and the Foundation of Right.” In: Contemporary Philosophy: A New Survey. Philosophy of Justice, 12. PDF (final proofs).
- Sparby, T. (2013): Innledning. In: Rudolf Steiner som filosof. Sparby, Terje (ed.), Pax Forlag.
- Sparby, T. (2013): Hegel og Steiner. In: Rudolf Steiner som filosof. Sparby, Terje (ed.), Pax Forlag.
- Sparby, T. (2013): Fra Verkstedet. Vitenskapelig holdning og meditasjonspraksis. AiN 1.
- Sparby, T. (2012): Aus der Werkstatt. Wissenschaftliche Haltung und Meditationspraxis.” In: Die Drei, 8. PDF.
- Sparby, T. (2011): “Intersubjektivitet, kartesiansk subjekt eller kosmisk ånd? Om Habermas og Taylors fortolkning av Hegels åndsbegrep.” Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift, 46(2),
- Sparby, T. (2011): Absolutt viten. Filosofisk Supplement, 1.
- “Filosofi og meditasjon“. In: Salongen, 1.11.2016.
- “Buddhismus und Anthroposophie im Gespräch.” In: Die Drei, 4, 2015.
- “Schweigende Insel.” In: Das Goetheanum 39, 2014.
- “Soll man über geistige Erfahrungen sprechen?” In: Das Goetheanum 21, 2014.
- “Hegels Glauben und Wissen.” In: a tempo: einsichten / aus der philosophenschmiede, 2014.
- “Hegels bestemte negasjon.” In: Salongen, 17.12.2013.
- “Innledning.” In: Steiner, Rudolf: Om sjelens gåter. Antropos 2013. With Rudy Vandercruysse.
- “Unfinished reflections I-III: Academic research, anthroposophical meditation and indvidual development.” In: GMW Correspondence Letters 6–8, 2013.
- “Pionér eller påfugl, tålmodig eller feig? Om det å snakke om åndelige erfaringer.” In: AiN 1, 2013.
- “Akademia og antroposofiens fremtid.” In: AiN 1, 2012.
- “Natur og kultur; på en gjengrodd sti.” for the art project Save our souls, 01.07.2010.
- “Frem fra gjemselen: Antroposofi” In: Filosofisk supplement, 3, 3009.
- “Individets frihet.” In: Minerva, 4,
- “Om tro og viten, og et gudsbevis.” In: Vorden, 08.2006.
- “Jeg er Gud og Gud er død. Om meta-, gruppe- og individnarrativer.” In: Vorden, 01.08.2006.
- Kovce, Philip: “Stichwort: Freiheit.” In: Das Goetheanum 37, 2014.
- Forman, Robert K.C: “Enlightenment ain’t what it’s cracked up to be.” In: Journal of Consciousness Studies, 9-10, 2012.
- Odin Lysaker, Gunnar C. Aakvaag (red.): Habermas – Kritiske lesninger. Pax Forlag 2007. In: Vorden,
- “Helge Salemonsen: Under kunnskapens tre.” Vidarforlaget 2006. In: Morgenbladet, 2, 2006.
- Sparby, Terje: “Fra verkstedet. Vitenskapelig holdning og meditasjonspraksis.” In: AiN 1 2013. Translated from German.
- Bader, Hans-Jürgen, Leist, Manfred, Ravagli, Lorenzo: Raseidealer er menneskehetens forfall. Rudolf Steiner og antisemittismeanklagen. Antropos 2012. Translated from German.
- Blau, Ulrich: “Ekskurs om bevissthetsgåten.” In: Vorden, 06.02.2008. Translated from German.
- Wendte, Martin: “Anmeldelse av Metaphysics as Christology.” In: Vorden, 10.2007. Translated from German.
- Hegel, G.W.F.: “Den tyske idealismens eldste systemprogram.” In: Vorden, 19.11.2007. Translated from German with Halvor Haukeli and Torbjørn Gundersen.
- Karma and the Cross, 5.04.2021
- How tall is God? 27.12.2020
- On Beckh’s “From Buddha to Christ”: Suffering, Illness and Conquering Death, 13.12.2020
- Christiany, Non-Duality, and Art at Sacré-Coeur, 24.11.2018
- Report from the Fire Kasina Retreat in France, 2018, 11.05.2018
- Jabba the Hutt, Jordan Peterson and the Anthroposophic Christ, 12.12.2017
- Why I Don’t Use Technology to Improve My Meditation Skills, 17.08.2017
- Mind and Life European Summer Research Institute 2017. Reflections on Spirituality, Science, Tukdam and Techonology, 08.07.2017
- A Mini-Map of Enlightenment, 12.07.2017
- Living Connections – What is Anthroposophic Meditation? 10.07.2017
- The Split Personality of Science, 01.07.2017
Neuroscience of Consciousness
New Ideas in Psychology
Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift
Mind and Matter
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Journal of Consciousness Studies
Constructivist Foundations
Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk
Frontiers in Psychology
Phenomenological methods and reseach on advanced medtiation. Online presentation for the Dharmamechanics group. August 25th.
Steinerpedagogikk, mindfulness, og indre utvikling: Verdien av det vanskelige. Oslo by Steinerskole, August 14th.
Meditasjon, tenkning, og oppmerksomhet. Hvordan henger tenkning og oppmerksomhet sammen med utviklingen av det moralske? Lecture during at a meeting arranged byPedagogisk Seksjon in Norway, March 6th.
Eros and Thanatos. Love and Death in Western Esotericism and Its Relationship to Tibetan Tantra. Lecture at the Occulture Conference in Berlin, October 20th, 2023. Recording available on YouTube.
Uniting Phenomenology and Neuroscience in the Study of Adept Meditators. With Matthew Sacchet. At the conference “First-Person Science of Consciousness. Methodological Potentials, Challenges and Developmental Perspectives”, May 12th, 2023.
Væren ved seg selv i det ene. En reformulering av kontemplativ praksis i lys Platon, Hegel, og Steiner. Blindern, Georg Sverdrups hus, November 11th, 2022.
Meditasjon, bevissthetsutvidelse og klarsyn. Foredrag ved «Seminar om antroposofi, bevissthetsutvidelse og klarsyn». Litteraturhuset, November 5th, 2022.
Antroposofi og meditasjon. Om Forskning på meditasjon generelt og spesielt antroposofisk meditasjon. Lecture in Vidargruppen. Oscars gate 12, October 26th, 2022.
Magical Mystics and Meditating Mages. Lecture at the “Occulture” conference. October 7th, 2022.
First-Person Methods in Contemplative Science. Anthroposophy, Micro-phenomenology, and the Stages of Meditation. MLA Alumni Talk, September 22th, 2022.
The Science of Contemplative Experience. With Matthew Sacchet. Lecture and panel discussion at «Science of Consciousness Conference», University of Arizona, April 18th, 2022.